

Katelyn C. Silva is the owner of Silva Content Solutions (SCS). She has more than 18 years of experience working in education, non-profit, and technology communications with seven of those at the helm of SCS.

Before launching Silva Content Solutions, Katelyn was the chief communications officer for a non-profit support organization for intentionally diverse schools. In this role, she managed all strategic communications, content writing, media relations, marketing, social media, web production, events, and advocacy.

She previously served as communications director at the University of Chicago Urban Education Institute, a non-profit dedicated to creating reliably excellent urban schooling through research, teacher preparation, schooling, and new innovations. Prior to that, she worked in healthcare communications.

Katelyn holds a BA in English from Connecticut College and an MA in humanities (English) from the University of Chicago.

She currently lives in East Providence, RI with her husband and daughter.